FoxNews Has Lost It!, 3445

3 years ago

Good evening, I’m Still reporting on the coup.
Sorry that we’ve been off the air today. We’ve been preparing for our first live-streaming event – the coverage of the Joint Session of Congress. And what we have tried to assemble is a remarkable techno-leap for this report, and that’s only because we have had some high-level volunteer assistance step up today.
So, tomorrow, our plan is to start up our livestream no later than noon tomorrow. Beth and I and a surprise special guest will be broadcasting live from the home 20 here just outside the citadel of America and world freedom; plus some foreign correspondents – hopefully live and well direct from the nation’s capitol – the citadel of the forces of darkness.
We hope we’ll be able to take a live-stream from our foreign correspondents unless the forces of darkness are able to interrupt us.
In any case, we’ll be doing everything we can do on this, certainly the most momentous day in U.S. history since election night 2016, and possibly beyond.
Now, for our story. I’ve hung in there in support of FoxNews way past most folks. My wife, Beth, gave up and switched to NewsMax several months ago.
But her lightweight husband has stubbornly stuck with Fox because had it not been for Fox during Trump’s 2016 run, Trump couldn’t possibly have prevailed.
But tonight, they stepped way over the mental line I had draws – publishing raw suppression polls – not only about the race that apparently will soon be decided for the far-leftist Democrats – but concerning November’s race as well.
Here’s a sample:
Trump’s Handling of 2020 Election Results
Approve 44, Disapprove 56
My guess is that Trump’s approval on this question would be at least 60/40 approve.
Then there is this: Kemp’s Handling of 2020 election results. Approve 51, Disapprove 49.
So, 51% of Georgians can turn their back on that video of chasing away Republican poll watchers, then pulling Democrat ballots out of suitcases and running them through the tabulation machines 3 or 4 times? Really???
And then the same approval numbers for the Georgia Sec. of State – a person who is much more likely to know this was not a pretty electoral picture.
Then, Confident Votes Were Counted Accurately in 2020?
Yes 62%, No, 38%
In Barrack Obama’s dreams, maybe, but not a hard-working American.
Then this one: Confident Eligible Voters Were Allowed to Vote in 2020?
Yes 85%, No 15%
You’ve got to be kidding me! The lists of ineligible voters being counted is very, very long.
Then, Confident Non-Eligible Voters were not allowed to vote in 2020?
Yes, 60%, No, 40%
Only if you have been in a coma since 1963.
I just don’t believe these responses represent an accurate cross section of the American population.
But the way it looks at this hour is a Democrat Senate sweep in the United States Senate and there is absolutely nothing that will be done about it.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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