Time to Cancel Netflix’s ‘Cuties’? | 9/15/20

3 years ago

Newsom plumbing of the world and Biden on climate change. This is the hottest year yet? The two women who stole a MAGA hat from a child have been charged with a hate crime! What are some words that Pat has ruined for you? Clothing brand Lululemon might regret its new ad "resisting capitalism" when it had a $41 billion market share. Ronald McDonald and the king of burgers share a kiss. Alien life on Venus? Guy sets a tree on fire for no apparent reason. The word “happy” is officially a about to be canceled. A group of BLM protesters blocked the George Washington Bridge. Hilary Kennedy stops by to talk about the new "Cuties" movie on Netflix. Conor McGregor finds himself in a sex scandal. Chinese scientist says that COVID-19 was made in a lab in Wuhan.

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