What’s On Joe Biden’s Playlist? | 9/16/20

4 years ago

The Democrats are finally admitting they are pushing the Harris-Biden administration. A "glitch" in a recent Biden phone app records detailed information about your friends' political activity. Joe Biden’s playlist. States are looking at allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to vote. A man in Wisconsin is approached by a mob outside his house for having a Trump flag in his yard. A protester is run over by police after jumping on the vehicle. Peeps are not coming this holiday season. A group of protesters yell a horrible chant. Protests erupt after cops shoot a man who was running toward the cops with a knife. Bill and Melinda Gates go after Trump and his administration for the handling of the pandemic. Bill Gates said the earliest we can return to normal will be in two years. There is a decrease in the number of people who want to take a COVID-19 vaccine. BYU athletes tested positive for COVID-19. President Trump says the press spins everything. Southwest Airlines kicks a woman and her 2-year-old off the plane because the child wasn't wearing a mask. Beethoven's music is being considered racist.

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