Your Spouse Leaves You and The State Takes Possession of Your Kids. What Next?

4 years ago

Since 2004, Bai Macfarlane has been upholding the dignity of marriage in light of no-fault divorce. With no-fault divorce, a party that still loves his or her spouse, and wants to keep the family together, is virtually defenseless. Mary’s Advocates is a voice for faithful spouses, and provides resources to equip those in positions of authority and influence to encourage reconciliation and denounce marital abandonment and unjust separations.

Bai spoke in Rome for Human Life International Rome about the marriage crisis and the Code of Canon Law. Her paper was distributed to the delegates at the Synod of Bishops. Mary’s Advocates work has been publicized by Homiletic and Pastoral Review, National Catholic Register, the United Stated Conference of Catholic Bishops, and LifeSite News. She’s been a radio guest for Relevant Radio, Ave Maria Radio, and EWTN.

Before marriage, Bai earned earned a bachelor of science from the University of Notre Dame. She was a stay-at-home mom raising four children under the age of 12, just prior to beginning her marriage work.

The page for defending marriage against accusation of invalidity in tribunal case is

Dr J Show featuring Dr Stephen Baskerville:

The book, "The Gift of Self, A Spiritual Companion for Separated and Divorced Faithful to the Sacrament of Marriage":

Charlyne Cares devotional:

Leila Miller book, "Primal Loss":

Leila Miller book, "'Impossible' Marriages Redeemed":

Jennifer Johnson book, "Marriage and Equality":

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