My Book: From one stranger to another

3 years ago

Currently translating my first french book!

It is the beginning of my journey! I decided to Hitchike Canada Frome one Ocean to another to prove that deep down, Humans Are prompt to love and share with each other!

From Stranger to Stranger tells of a journey I took with my conscience and my backpack, thumbing up the roads of Canada, from coast to coast.

After losing everything, life began to give me everything to push me to go into the unknown. Even if this journey could seem like a personal quest, in reality, I choose to leave to tell stories: those of others, through mine: Stories of generosity, sharing, love, crossing the different provinces, meeting strangers, and realizing that, from one human to another, we are mainly inclined towards cooperation, towards mutual aid and towards love.

It is with an open mind, a sharp spirituality, and a healthy relationship with the universe, that fate offered me a series of synchronicities in order to help me grow, but also to tell my stories. took the best and the worst decisions there. I have experienced, among other things: homelessness and addiction, living on the streets or in a simple tent. I came face to face with a rattlesnake; I have helped people evacuated from their homes after forest fires;

I celebrated, drank, used a few substances and even spent a night in jail. I also met love, before returning to my home in Quebec to rebuild a new life; transformed.

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