The Trouble in Utah January 3, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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The Trouble in Utah January 3, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Jacqueline Smith, the volunteer Coordinator for Utah, was asked to step down in November of this past year.
The reasons for this were discussed with her, and now, must be discussed in Public with the Utah Assembly and the rest of the Assemblies Nationwide. It is apparent from the response that I just received that these people are playing with half a deck and need a full and comprehensive view.
All State Assemblies are defined in precisely the same way.
All Americans living within the borders of any State can claim their birthright political status and adopt the State where they have been living for over a year as their permanent "house and home". They are then eligible to join their State Assembly, and depending on their own situation, can choose to join as a State National or as a State Citizen.
The same goes for legal immigrants. Anyone who has gone through the Naturalization process to become a United States Citizen can join and make the same choice, under the same conditions, as if they were born here.
Prior to volunteering to act as a Coordinator for Utah, Jackie was the leader of something calling itself the "Alliance Community". It has become apparent that this patriot group simply saw an opportunity to step in and mold things according to their agenda, using the Assembly organization effort as a storefront to promote their ideas, their agendas, their grievances --- and to hell with the actual job that needs to be done for the all the people throughout the State as a whole.
Although the Utah Assembly under Jackie's leadership has made some laudable progress toward basic goals, Utahans who are otherwise eligible to participate and who need to record their paperwork, have been given "the run around" --- and not just for a couple weeks. For months.
The baseline prejudice seems to be against members of the LDS (Latter Day Saints) Church, who for the most part, are as loyal to this country and its principles as anyone else, and against Federal Workers who can participate as State Nationals.
The Alliance Community is not The Utah Assembly, so a line must be drawn against: (1) exclusion of eligible members; (2) and promotion of a private club as a public body.
In discussing things with Jackie I suggested that she focus her attention on getting the Utah Jural Assembly up and operating, as court processes and operations seem to be her personal interest.

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