About LRO and LRS Systems January 3, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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About LRO and LRS Systems January 3, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

People have pushed forward to make the Land Recording Office possible because of the need to provide services to potentially millions of Americans, and frankly, to widen the scope of services and opportunities available to our Assemblies and Assembly Members.

It is not practical for us to function with only one (1) recording service or one (1) credential service or one (1) assembly hub and it never has been. I am personally unaware of anything I ever said or did suggesting otherwise.

This is not an "either" versus "or" issue.

The only reason that a government exists is to protect and serve.

In recent months, more and more and more people have been joining their Assemblies all over this country. These people need to record their paperwork, need their State Credentials, need access to help recording their patent claims and so on ---- and it is patently ridiculous to think that there can or "should be" only one service providing them with these services.

We are not a country that believes in or practices monopoly interest, so it should be no surprise to anyone that multiple services are needed and multiple vendors are approved.

A question has been raised about the (possible) dependency of the LRS on Google Services --- a question that has not yet been answered.

The reason that this is a concern is that Google Services is in league with other Tech Giants who are similarly engaged in censorship, information theft, commercial sale of private information, and other activities which are, if not strictly speaking against commercial law, are at odds with the expectations and standards of many of our Assemblies and their Assembly Members.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/01/about-lro-and-lrs-systems.html

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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