Beleaguered Conservatives Hide in the Closet to be Safe

4 years ago

The safe space for conservatives (and republicans) is the closet. Many don’t understand conservative beliefs and treat conservatives as unworthy of attention or friendship. Those holding conservative views are afraid to share their thoughts and opinions.
Conservatives are a positive influence on communities, nations, and the world. Conservative ideas to create a better world for everyone are ignored or misrepresented.
Conservatives are fired for a belief that marriage is between a man and woman; a woman athlete is attacked because she believes biological men shouldn’t compete against biological women in athletic events. These two individuals and many like them find their views portrayed as unacceptable, even evil, and apologies are demanded while careers are destroyed. Personal conservative beliefs shouldn’t lead to ruined lives.
Others are afraid to share their conservative views?

Conservatives are well aware of how they are judged on a daily basis.
A friend had two close friends, a gay man and a lesbian woman. However sharing Conservative opinions ended the friendship; liberals couldn’t be friends with a Conservative. Most Conservatives easily accept different lifestyles, but liberals have a hard time being friends with Conservatives.
A young conservative friend flew some of American flags off the back of his pickup and was attacked by some of his neighbors who called him a racist, red neck, white supremacist. Good people attacking a young man because they’ve been taught that his patriotism is evil.
My wife had friends tell her that her supporting Trump meant they couldn’t be friends any longer.
I can’t share my political opinions with my brother or my son, both unfriended me from Facebook.
A Conservative response on a community bulletin board is attacked; not consistent with the community’s commitment to peace and harmony.
In the republican caucus a woman asks her presence be kept secret; afraid of losing her friends.
A gay Muslim is fired for voting for Trump.
The vast majority that act badly against those with opposing views, are good people at heart. But, they have been seduced by the Progressive Movement; told that those against Progressive beliefs evil people.
Even committed Democrats can’t voice opposing views; just ask Tulsi Gabbard, Alan Dershowitz, or Marianne Williamson.

This happened in Nazi Germany. Jews were portrayed as evil people, the cause of all the problems in the world. The Nazis gave good people, friends and associates of the Jews living in their communities, permission to destroy their neighbor’s lives. This was judged okay, because “the Jews wealth was stolen from the people.” It’s a sad situation, but it appears that all we need is an official excuse to act badly.
Our society needs opposing views, We have advanced, we understand there is very little difference between the races; racism is pretty much a thing of the past, except for those who use it as a weapon to defeat their enemies.
We have regressed in our ability to have intelligent, reasonable conversations with those who challenge our beliefs.
All people, straights, gays, Christians, Muslims, women, men, children, the physically handicapped, liberals, and conservative must be treated the respect and their views must be heard for our society to succeed.

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