Taking Down The CCP (Fight For Hong Kong) - Miles Guo (Steve Bannon's War Room Song)

3 years ago

Taking Down The CCP - (Fight For Hong Kong) - Miles Guo (Steve Bannon's War Room Song)
#郭文贵 #GTV #郭文贵直播 #郭文贵唱歌

关注G小妹 Youtube 频道,站在未來說歷史,获得一手GTV、郭文贵爆料以及美國華人社區的最新视频: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWdd...

🔥 📣9月8日 习近平狗链表彰大会!⚡️全球2700万人感㊙️染,90万人死㊙️亡,墙国丧心病狂表彰㊙️战㊙️犯🔔张文宏医生为什么没有表彰名单上?https://youtu.be/83x2UZ7aWWs

班农战斗室 🎥 重磅爆料!3年前烧掉了一份共产党[13579]㊙️绝密情报文件,通知全人类!决定着美国人 欧洲人 日本人全人类的生命巨大威胁💯新情报:党媒造谣污蔑美国官员🔥 ⚡️🔔 https://youtu.be/rPNKPQpDqCU

出大事情了!郭文贵的手机被共产党黑客了,偷走了全部手机内容,GFashion新款到货了!💯㊙️📣 https://youtu.be/8lVym7SQ3mQ

文贵国内家人和同事被赶到大街上了,睡马路了,无家可归了,原因竟然是因为他......💯㊙️📣 https://youtu.be/2lxb5cwdlWo

小蓝旗 GTV美女大合集! 第一季 🔥 评选出你心目中的NO.1 ⚡️新中国联邦🔔COCO 台湾巴黎 MARSA 唐平 哈恩💯㊙️📣 https://youtu.be/-Dv86Wh82gE

美女科学家 👩 闫丽梦 💣步步惊心的香港🇭🇰生死逃亡的经历 | 机场FBI盘问 买机票名字故意写错 中共计划掩盖疫情到年后 [精编版] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmCG-...

[郭文贵=??????]🔥堪比水门事件!🔥 ㊙️腐败美国司法部 百亿美元报酬 数百现任官员 20美金公关费 60个美国间谍 100个砸锅伪类 6万非法在美移民 金家王朝基因⚡️🔔💯📣 https://youtu.be/QuuOKHrMQnk
Hello, welcome to my channel. I’m currently banned from Facebook for 21 more days. I was recently censored then banned for life from YouTube. My channel was called “Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan” and I had a little under 5,000 subscribers. It’s been quite a gut punch because I didn’t have my 900 video’s backed up and most regrettably, lost video of my daughter and new fur babies. =( I will update later. I’ve not yet made my own video and I apologize. Right now I think it’s more important to get out all this vital information. Thank you so much for stopping by! Please “like”, share and subscribe for more great info!!
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