Wonderful Animals Llamas

4 years ago

LlamasĀ andĀ alpacasĀ have been used by humans for transportation and fleece production for a few thousand years. Both species are primarily found in Peru and Bolivia and are part of theĀ camelĀ family, Camelidae. Alpacas and llamas are two of the four lamoid speciesā€”the other two species,Ā vicuƱaĀ andĀ guanaco, are their wild cousins. Interestingly, all four species are able to interbreed and create fertile offspring. While often conflated, alpacas and llamas differ in key ways.Ā The most-distinguishing physical differences between alpacas and llamas are their size, their hair, and their face shapes. Also, they differ in disposition, which affects the way humans have used them over the years.

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