Letter to Dr. Richard Cordero, Esquire: January 1, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Letter to Dr. Richard Cordero, Esquire: January 1, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

We are delighted to be acting in support of your efforts, but with 53 million readers every week and many thousands of cases of abuse of judicial "discretion" to address, we hesitate to overwhelm your fledgling response team.
The bulk of our readers are Americans who are not part of the democracy cherished by our Territorial Employees, but they are people of this country who have been systematically and institutionally defrauded and summoned and subjected to judgment in Territorial Maritime and Admiralty Courts under known False Legal Presumptions, in direct contravention of Amendment XI of all three Federal Constitutions.
We would appreciate your consideration and instruction as to how you would like to proceed? Is it even possible, in your opinion, for Bar Attorneys (Esquires) who by definition are working for the Queen's Government on our shores, to address such abuses of the American people and such rampant pillaging of their assets under color of law? Or may there simply be a widespread and amicable recognition of the problem and a resolution concerning these abuses?
There is no doubt that the lawyers and attorneys of this country have, knowingly or unknowingly, participated in one of the greatest commercial frauds and most egregious criminal Breach of Trust events in history. The backlash that must surely come otherwise, can only be averted by prompt correction and sincere effort to not only make amends, but to restore the proper court systems and functions.
As you are all aware, the conflict of interest provisions of all the Federal Constitutions, including the prohibition against members of our government receiving titles of nobility from any foreign Monarch, coupled with the requirement that all Admiralty cases be tried by Queen's Officers, creates a necessary separation between the civilian courts of the people of this country and the special jurisdiction courts of Maritime and Admiralty.
That necessary separation has been usurped ever since May of 1865, when quasi-military tribunals and ten military Judicial Districts were established throughout the South to collect war reparations from the Municipal citizenry and those acting on behalf of the Southern Confederate States of States. These so-called "carpet bagger courts" were supposed to disappear under the provisions of Ex Parte Milligan, 2 USC 71, but owing to failure of duty to disclose and inform the Public, and general malfeasance and Breach of Trust against the people of this country who are owed "good faith and service" from Her Majesty's Government and the Lord Mayor of London, similar quasi-military Judicial Districts operated by the Territorial Government have spread across this entire country in violation of our Treaties and Constitutions.
This surreptitious invasion of the American land jurisdiction and purposeful unhinging of the American courts left the helpless civilian population at the mercy of Hired Jurists, who have acted as revenue collectors for the Queen and the Pope and the Lord Mayor under color of law, and have subjected Americans to foreign laws and jurisdictions without mercy or honor.
This despicable and flagrant and fraudulent abuse of the Public Trust must come to an end and as we think you can appreciate, nobody and nothing is more urgently needed in this cause than those attorneys and judges who are, upon being fully instructed and informed, appalled by the part they have played in the disservice of justice throughout this country.
Without putting too sharp a point on it, it cannot be missing your attention that the abuses of "judicial discretion" --- which does not exist in American Courts --- applied against average Americans results in grievous capital-level crimes against those same Americans, and exposes the Hired Jurists running the Municipal and Territorial Courts to justifiable public outrage. In other words, your more dishonorable brethren can expect to be gibbeted as inland pirates if this flaming pile of judicial dog dung doesn't get cleaned up.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/01/letter-to-dr-richard-cordero-esquire.html

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