TRUE WARRIOR: The First Day D20 CH20

4 years ago

The fate of a nation, our nation, has always been in our hands. We must as FREEDOM SEEKING TRUE WARRIORS accept this to be a fact. If we abandon this gift it is because of our acts. No other country can have power over us unless we give up.
DEVOTION is a PRINCIPLE of Life Defense. Without DEVOTION to TRUTH we become a nation of lies. We start fresh today and have an opportunity to DEVOTE ourselves and right this country once again, or not. It is up to us. We create our future.

I promise to treasure each moment of FREEDOM and DEVOTE each moment I live to TRUTH. I will treat FREEDOM as precious not wasting minutes as they turn to hours, days, and years in standing for it!

Allen Hughes Life Defense

The Civil War for FREEDOM!
#lifedefense #allenhughes #civlwarfreedom

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