Conduit 2 Online Team Deathmatch on Whiteout (Match 1 of 2 Recorded on 8/29/12)

3 years ago

So around a few months after this game came out I ran into another Carbonizer user who was cooking people on Crash Site. He was just standing in the middle where the control point is and frying people left and right.

I only joined toward the end of the match, but I managed to trade a few shots with him, and suffice to say, I got killed a few times. The guy's name was Skozo, and he was the original Carbonizer tank. I never ran into him again after that match, but his prowess with the laser canon really stuck in my mind. I was shocked and amazed to see another Carbonizer user (I didn't really run into any back then), especially one that good!

Well, in memory of Skozo cooking my ass approximately a year ago, I decided to go Carbonizer tanking myself tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: the Skarbonizer. Two sets of armor plus helmet and faster reloading.

Holy hell is this loadout fun. You may move incredibly slow, but damn does this loadout make you tough. I think I took a direct shot from a Phase Rifle and it couldn't kill me. I think I also took a splash damage shot from a SMAW, and that couldn't kill me either.

Tanking is nothing short of hilarity. You just run out into an open area wait for people to come to you (trust me, they will). Since I move slowly and don't want to accidentally kill myself, I went with flash grenades instead of frags. I think I'll be trying this more often!

Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the Wii's component cables. I'm using the nunchuck and Motion Plus.

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