Rona "warning"

4 years ago

Everyone in MA got your "you are now high risk for the rona, stay inside, block your windows, DONT PARTY, go to bed at 9pm, don't question the authorities and do as your told" message on your answering machine?
FU BAKER - I'm a grown man and I will do what I want.
Why do these aholes want us locked in our homes 24/7 all the time? Bodies in the streets - can't walk 10 feet in any direction without tripping on a corpse. Cant get a hair cut at moms salon with 4 other people in there, but you can pile into walmart 100 at a time. "Dust masks save lives" We are now on day 310 of "two weeks to stop the virus" Fake vaccine shots in politicians on tv, plastic rona patients in NY last spring - remember that? THIS IS ASININE.

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