Conduit 2 - LC vs. D-S Clan Match # 3 - Lost City

4 years ago

This was the last of three 3 vs. 3 matches between Lost Cause [LC] and Dark Star [D-S]. For this match we went back to a hardcore rule set. Since LC lost the first match and won the second one, this was the tie breaker. I didn't want to risk anything, so I just used a SCAR loadout and stuck near Symph as much as possible.

Thanks to everyone for playing.

This match was played on August 24, 2012. The players were as follows:

Lost Cause:
[LC]Jaye (Jaye - Clan Leader)
[LC]Symph46 (EpicSymph46)
[LC]Mike (Me)


Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the Wii's component cables. I'm using the nunchuck and Motion Plus.

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