#100 10-31-18 Did Silicon Valley Buy Conservatism Inc?

3 years ago

00:00 The collapse of National Review after John O'Sullivan (1998) and Commentary magazine after Norman Podhoretz
18:00 David French says Steve King must be defeated
25:00 GOP scheme to pay women to falsely accuse Robert Mueller of sexual misconduct
38:00 Trump seems to be growing stronger in office, having a ball
40:00 Revisiting Roe v Wade ruling on abortion
55:00 Whitey Bulger's murder and the problem of when the inmates run the asylum
1:00:00 We Were Made for Civil War
1:04:00 Vancouver: The City That Had Too Much Money
1:15:00 NYT: Lil Peep Died Before Becoming Pop Royalty. His New Music May Change That.
1:20:00 The Trip (2010) analysis



Theater Thursday: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trip_(2010_TV_series)




NYT lionizes guy you've never heard of: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/31/arts/music/lil-peep-archives-come-over-when-youre-sober.html


Who is Jacob Wohl & why is he saying mean things about Robert Mueller? https://www.businessinsider.com/jacob-wohl-made-fake-surefire-intelligence-spreading-lies-on-mueller-2018-10?r=UK&IR=T

Whitey Bulger murdered in "maximum-security" prison https://www.tmz.com/2018/10/31/whitey-bulger-attack-tongue-cut-eye-gouging-mob-hit/


Is your Halloween costume racist? https://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/413813-cultural-appropriation-turns-halloween-into-a-nightmare


http://www.unz.com/isteve/birthing-babies/ Could they please publish a comprehensive list of the biological racial differences it is racist to know about as well as a list of the biological racial differences it is racist NOT to know about? Let’s also get daily update emails when a thing moves from one list to the other.

It’s tough when you get called a racist who doesn’t care about the deaths of black babies for not knowing that black women have big butts… ahem… deep pelvises. Even the original Becky from Baby Got Back is more woke than you on the PQ.

Maybe some of you keep up with all this, but there are some unclear points. For example, I’m pretty sure it’s okay to know about bone density differences since this shows that black people are tougher than white people. We already covered pelvis shapes… so you may think you’re in the clear with the skeletal system but… is it okay to know about skull circumference differences also? How about if you know about skull circumference but make very sure not to know about IQ correlation?

But skull shape might be relevant to birth and that means healthcare outcome disparities… so you might also be a racist white person who murders black babies on purpose if you DON’T know it. Maybe you can know it if you’re currently delivering a baby but not at other times?

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