Iran's Apocalyptic Vision for the Future Empowered?

3 years ago

Iran is a very real threat.

Today on Sekulow, we are looking hard at the threat from Iran, especially the threat posed under a potential Biden Administration. We are realists at the ACLJ and attorneys. When you are a realist you prepare for worst case scenarios, and we are getting closer and closer to them.

We don’t yet know what will happen in the Georgia Senate races but much of the foreign policy is conducted outside the realm of Congress. That’s where the President of the United States has the most power, where he’s acting on foreign policy. The Constitution and the Supreme Court have been very clear on this. That is why this Iranian threat that is emerging again is so concerning.

The Trump Administration with their peace deals in the Middle East has done a great job isolating Iran. What President Trump was doing with these peace deals was building a coalition to isolate Iran and make it very difficult for Iran in that region. The Biden team could come in and totally eviscerate that work, and they probably will.

ACLJ Senior Military Analyst Wes Smith talked about the threat of Iran under a potential Biden Administration:

"It looks pretty bad. It really does. Vice President Biden has indicated that he wants to re-enter the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) even though it did nothing to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. They just delayed it by a decade. Iran continues on their nuclear weapons program unabated. What is going to happen if we don’t do something is the most dangerous weapon in the world will be in the hands of the most dangerous country in the world. Already they are violating the JCPOA. The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) two weeks ago said that Iran has already enriched twelve times the amount of nuclear material allowed by the JCPOA. They’ve increased the number of centrifuges, and they’ve buried them deep underground. They’ve also continued with their ballistic missile program. Iran is a threat. They are intent on acquiring a nuclear weapon and the only hope of that not happening is for the world to unite and for the Biden Administration not to change what President Trump has done."

Pairing the most dangerous weapon in the world with the most dangerous country in the world is a massive threat and one that we need to take steps as a country to counter.

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The full broadcast is complete with much more analysis by our team of the threat that Iran poses, both now and under a potential Biden Administration.

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