Tweet Series Day 43 (Oct 29, 2020)

3 years ago

Hello Everybody, this is @JoeBiden. A lot of people are going to vote for him soon, and I don’t get it. Do you really want a man who didn’t want to debate or campaign? A man who clearly has other people doing most of the work for him? Did you know he is under criminal investigation in the Ukraine? I could go on and on, but I’ll just say this. Have you ever dealt with someone who is drunk? When they are talking, they usually have no filter. I have to believe that is what happens when you lose your faculties. He was a Segregationist, and a lot of his policies hurt the advancement of black people. Now he wants to turn around and say that he supports black people? I don’t think so. He says that they have no diversity. If you don’t vote for @JoeBiden, you are smart!

Note— If you liked 43, then 44s Tweet will be really fun. I have already done him or her once, but why not do him or her again? I will give you a hint, “Who could it be???” Do you hear the music starting?

P— Hello Everybody, this doesn’t count. As have the previous posts on this account, these are my personal thoughts only. You can take from them what you will. I have never met @JoeBiden, and I pray to God that I never will. I have zero respect for that man. Since January 20, 1989, we allowed in two misguided men into the position and two more evil ones. I do not want the Devil’s Trifecta. It is your vote and you do with it what you want; this is America. For me, I have zero respect for a Segregation loving, Plagiarizing, Bernie Bending, China CCP Selling Out, Child-Sniffing RAPIST!!! How could ANYONE vote for you??? #IStandWithTaraReade

Note—Play the Clip of OAN Interview “Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade Slams #MeToo Leaders…”; #IStandWithTaraReade #MeTooIsASham

@AlyssaMilano, how could you? Shame on you.

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