TDF Extra 10 - ThinkFast

3 years ago

Alton, John and Intern Barb along with Dr. Benjamin Ritter do our ThinkFast segment where we ask each other random questions and having to make quick decisions. Dr. Ritter will be in a later The Deciding Factor Podcast with us, but this is a chance to see a different side of him before that show airs.

ThinkFast Questions:
1. If you were wrongfully put into an insane asylum, how would you convince them that you’re actually sane and not just pretending to be sane?
2. Peanut Butter: crunchy or smooth?
3. Have you ever been flocked? (John -- this isn’t a dirty question.)
4. Have you ever been convinced by an infomercial?
5. Do you donate to telethons?
6. In honor of Alton-the-Frozen: define camping.
7. If you use a bidet don't you still have to wipe to get the water off?

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