2020 2nd Amendment Successes in Southern California and a 2021 Preview

4 years ago

Despite 2020, there were still great successes and achievements for gun owners. Check this segment out for Michael's review and a preview of what's coming in 2021.

Excerpt from Episode 229, Dec 27, 2020

The right to self-defense is a basic human right. Gun ownership is an integral part of that right. If you want to keep your rights defend them by joining San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO), Orange County Gun Owners (OCGO) in Orange County, San Bernardino County Gun Owners (SBCGO) in San Bernardino County or Riverside County Gun Owners (RCGO) in Riverside. Support the cause by listening to Gun Owners Radio live on Sunday afternoon or on the internet at your leisure Join the fight and help us restore and preserve our second amendment rights. Together we will win.


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Dillon Law Group - https://dillonlawgp.com/
Kalikey - http://kalikey.com/
Seal 1 - https://seal1.net (Discount Code - GOR25)
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Primary Residential Mortgage Inc.- https://www.primeres.com/alpine
Firearms Policy Coalition - https://www.firearmspolicy.org/
National Concealed Carry Association - https://nationalconcealedcarryassociation.com/

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