January 6th and how to contact Congress FAST

3 years ago

How to contact Congress on phone and social media: https://www.contactingcongress.org/

How to fax Congress for free: https://faxzero.com/

Link to Google Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QW-2MiwazhEspNHAVqDTkgB06Q3m5fl-GL2AUbDGT8k/edit

Google Document as follows:

I’m contacting you today for one reason only: to object to the certified electors sent by Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada based on the following publicly reported information (and on any confidential information that you may have been able to acquire). All of the following can be verified through the reporting of the Epoch Times article (https://www.theepochtimes.com/election-2020):

Elections were conducted in violation of state law that compromised integrity of the vote count, which in every case benefited the Democratic Party candidates. For example, Republican poll watchers were unable to verify or even barred from verifying signatures for hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots.

Batches of mail-in ballots were not transported with proper chain of custody and when counted without Republican challengers, were upwards of 95% for Biden, a statistical impossibility.
More mail-in votes were counted than ballots requested in states where requests are mandatory.
More than 100% of registered voters voted in some key precincts.

Vote tallies were fractionalized, showing the Dominion voting machines counted Trump votes at less than 1.0 each and Biden votes at over 1.0. (This has been going on for over 20 years. See: https://blackboxvoting.org/.)

Batches of ballots were tabulated faster than is possible with the tabulation equipment, giving Biden a spike in the middle of the night.

Dominion voting machines have been shown to be built for fraud and had over a 20% margin of error FOR Biden during a forensic audit.

Hundreds of legally binding affidavits were signed by eyewitnesses claiming they saw public election workers violating election integrity laws, counting batches multiple times, voting machines connected to the Internet while counting was taking place, ballots filled in for Biden on the spot (not curing), photo-printed ballots, trucks of ballots transported across state lines, and hundreds of other examples.

The governors refuse to rectify the situation with a full forensic audit of the machines and signature verification audit.

The judicial branch refuses to even hear any evidence, effectively failing to perform their work.
The state congresses, in whose power the implementation of elections solely lies, refuse to use their authority to rectify the situation.

Therefore, if you do not object to the certified electors, you will primaried out of office in the next GOP primary, and you will be responsible for the most obvious democratic-republic failure in American history.

Thank you for the work you have done, but we’re looking to the present and future now.

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