Schaftlein Report | Georgia Election – one week away | Loeffler, Perdue, Rubio support $2.000 check

3 years ago

Schaftlein Report | Georgia Election – one week away | Loeffler, Perdue, Marco Rubio support $2.000 check
Guest: Matt Stout – Georgia Political Operative
1) $2.000 checks on hold after McConnell blocked Democrats
Loeffler, Perdue, Marco Rubio support $2.000 check
Bernie Sanders tries to force votes on $2.000 stimulus check
2) Stacey Abram’s sister- Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner blocks voter challenges in two Georgia counties
Hip-hop artist BRS Kash exhibited vulgar language while performing for Ossoff-Warnock’s crowd
Child-abuse allegations against Warnock
According to The Washington Post, Jon Ossoff embellished his national security credentials during 2017 campaign
3) L.A. hospitals in corona crisis
4) Newsom’s recall efforts get financial boost

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