Operation Rescue Names President Trump 2020’s Pro-Life Person of the Year.

3 years ago

Hello there!!! Welcome to ASL Patriot Broadcast
Hello there!!! Welcome to ASL Patriot Broadcast. Operation Rescue Names President Trump 2020’s Pro-Life Person of the Year. This is so cool, but first let’s take a look at who Operation Rescue is first! Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. For example, Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas! Through their peaceful, proactive efforts, Operation Rescue has created exciting results. Operation Rescue has permanently closed hundreds of abortion mills, led dozens of abortionists to leave the killing industry, saved countless babies from abortion, and is changing lives through the public offering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Operation Rescue is especially recognized for their growing success in developing and applying cutting-edge(advanced) pro-life strategies. Operation Rescue has recognized President Trump as he “has done more to protect unborn lives than any other President in U.S. History.” Another quote says, “When he first took office, he immediately set out to defund those that promote abortion worldwide. He established policies at the Department of Health and Human Services that completely changed the philosophy of government from one that favored abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood, to one that promised to protect life “from conception until natural death.” Trump’s new Protect Life Rule blocked Planned Parenthood and other abortionists from receiving millions in Title X Family Planning grants. Most recently, the Trump Administration withheld $200 million from the State of California because CA was requiring all health insurance policies to include abortion coverage, which forces those who object to fund abortions. President Trump pulled out of the pro-abortion United Nations’ World Health Organization. The WHO is one of the world’s top promoters and funders of abortion internationally. President Trump has also appointed three Supreme Court Justices during his first term, including conservative Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. President Trump’s over 300 judicial appointments give pro-life supporters new hope that life-affirming legislation will withstand legal challenges. President Trump has strengthened conscience clauses so no one can be forced to participate in an abortion who has moral objections to it. Just recently, the Department of Justice, acting under these strong conscious protections, sued a Vermont hospital for forcing a nurse to participate in an abortion against her conscience. “President Trump has done more to build a Culture of Life in the U.S. than all previous presidents combined,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “It is my honor to acknowledge these accomplishments and relay my deep gratitude to him for keeping and exceeding all his promises when it comes to the matter of abortion. He is a worthy recipient of the 2020 Person of the Year Malachi Award.”
Let's give President Trump a round of appaluse!

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