Tweet Series Day 23 (Oct 9, 2020)

3 years ago

Hello Everybody, this is #TinaFey. I always considered her one of the greats on #SNL. Yes, she is smug, yes, she talks down to people, yes, she is a Mean Girl; wait where am I going with this? She has done some positive work too. #30Rock was a funny show. They just had a reunion show and man was it glorious, if you are demented. @HABFoundation was at his best. He tries so hard to make sure everyone forgets how big of a douchebag he is in real life. He rips on people who supports a man that impersonates, Donald Trump. Let’s look at Alec; Yells at people who park in his spot, yells at flight attendants that ask him to shut off his game (poor baby), and rumor has it that he was a big sexual harasser in his day. I wouldn’t doubt it, but who knows. Another man that was on #30Rock is #JackMcBrayer. In the reunion episode his character Kenneth, has an assistant that looks like him. It’s Jack with Lipstick, Ok??? Then he reads off all the great sponsors of NBC. Watch the clip and what was that 4th one again? Are they just casually reading the name of a company that has been under scrutiny this year and passing it off like it’s nothing? Hmm, seems fishy to me. Maybe someone should look at the producer of the show who produces a lot coming out of New York.

Note—Play the 30 Rock Video

P— Hello Everybody, this doesn’t count, this is @TracyMorgan and he kicks ass. I hope he’s fully recovered. Gary, Indiana could use our help. Another great actor is #WillSmith, he may be misguided at times, but his movies are great. His TV show was great as well. I watched it all the time as a kid. He appears to have a very talented family too. His costar on that show was #AlfonsoRibero. You want to talk talent, look no further. From “Silver Spoons” to “Catch 21” and everywhere in between, he makes me laugh all the time. Who can forget the GOAT (well maybe not lol) of dances?

Note—Play “The Carlton Dance”; #TheCarltonDance

Note—Play Michael Jackson “Bad (Shortened Version)”; #TheKingOfPop

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