Tweet Series Day 22 (Oct 8, 2020)

4 years ago

Hello Everybody, this is @JimmyFallon. He is a brilliant comedian who just wanted to make people happy and laugh. He made one ‘mistake’ in his comedic career, and he was forced to apologize for it. He meant it as an impression out of respect, but it was not taken that way. He is forced to talk politics and when he does, his face looks like it aged 50 years. His cohort in comedy in @JimmyKimmel who also did similar impressions. I don’t have much sympathy for someone who criticizes people for being the worst thing in the world, a Trump supporter. Maybe he should watch his mouth, and it won’t come back around on him. At least he has some smart friends around. Another man in his position is #TheGuyFromCBS. Talk about smug, his whole schtick has been talking down to people since the mid-90s. I’m not sure how that classifies as comedy. He is actually an enabler for crazy behavior. I think about an interview he conducted earlier this year. The exchange back and forth was really scary to listen to. We as a society now have been so desensitized, that we think this kind of behavior is normal. There was nothing normal about that interview. Both men in question should be looked at for mental health issues. #JHIAP

Note—Site the Hodgetwins #isitemysources #yeeeeeahhh (sp?)

P— Hello Everybody, this doesn’t count, this is @ofcTimAllen. He has been on two great sitcoms. The one he is doing now is called “Last Man Standing.” It is a fitting title. I love how all the characters interact with each other. They talk about everything including politics. That show has more power than you can imagine. I guess you can guess where I’m going next. “Home Improvement” was a great show as well with a fantastic cast throughout. It actually had a lot more substance than you realize. How else would it have lasted for so long? A show that followed it for only a couple of episodes was “The Dana Carvey Show.” I missed it on its original release but caught the reruns. Dana is a fantastic performer. We got introduced to a great talent @SteveCarell who is very misguided now but created the most iconic Boss character of all time. His duo companion was #TheGuyFromCBS. I wish he would watch his old tapes and see where he started. What he has become is sad. The video of him holding his daughter is an all-time classic audition if you haven’t seen it. He was never meant to be the understudy; he is the front man.

Note—Show a still shot of #TheGuyFromCBS with the caption, Be this man again!

Note—Play “the Ambiguously Gay Duo: Fortress of Privacy” ; #ThankYouDanaCarvey

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