Tweet Series Day 18 (Oct 4, 2020)

4 years ago

Hello Everybody, this is #RobertDeNiro. He is a loud mouth, but was also one of the greats in American cinema. He played the dad in a great movie with a terrific message called “A Bronx Tale.” It celebrates diversity in a big way. Italian Americans need to be reminded of how we got here and not about how we are persecuted. We need to stop attacking each other and come together and celebrate our great heritage. I am calling for a stop to all mob violence whether real or imagined. It is time that we just eat our pizza and pasta and learn to love our brothers and sisters and stop caring about whose turf is whose. Back to Robert says he will leave the country this time for sure if DT wins. All I can say is don’t forget your platform shoes.

P— Hello Everybody, this doesn’t count. DT is 100 times more New York than #RobertDeNiro. Who do you think built the infrastructure? I think you should do some soul searching. New York and New Jersey would be nothing without 45.

Note—Play “The Sopranos| Season 1 Opening Credits”; Woke up this morning, but I was not born yesterday. #GetWokeGoBroke

Note—Play “Woke Up This Morning (The Sopranos Mix)”; Extended Sopranos Mix. Great Tune.

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