Harvest Haven Pastured Turkeys

4 years ago

Turkeys are wonderfully sociable and curious creatures. They are animated, vocal, friendly, and will not fail to peck at your shoelaces or the rivets on your back pocket.

The confinement turkey farms have absolutely no respect for the personality and expression of turkeys. Their only goal is to create as many pounds of flesh as possible for the smallest dollar.

Our goal is maximum health and maximum happiness for animal, farmer, and consumer.

Turkeys love to range, forage, and roost. Therefore, we created a mobile roosting barn that can be moved to fresh pastures daily. It’s surrounded by a netted fence to keep the turkeys in and predators out.

People can’t be healthier than the soil their food is growing in. But we extend the adage. Ultimately, a person’s quality of life will never exceed the quality of living they afford to the animals they eat. Think about it.

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