Mount St Helens Petrified Trees AND Upright Floaters CATASTROPHE NOT MILLIONS OF YEARS

4 years ago

......Catastrophe is a better explanation for Petrified trees with no root systems, than Millions of years.
...... SO with Mt Saint Helens, you have a modern day example of a deposition of over 600 feet of deposits, in a very short period of time. In this video, it is clear that the "canyon" the small grand canyon was carved out by a mud flow from the volcano, and it took no time at all. Also, did you notice that essentially brand new rock was dated to be 800 thousand to millions of years old? Why is that. Maybe the techniques don't work. Then in this next video, we have more evidence that millions of years NEED NOT APPLY. So a catastrophe is a better explanation than the standard evolutionary millions of years BS story for petrified trees without root systems. EVOLUTION IS NOT AS AIR TIGHT AS YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT TO BELIEVE. It has never been a better time to be a person of faith than today. Praise Jesus

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