DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates

4 years ago

Given to Apostle/Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu to Teach the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST).

From Elisheva:
My brother, my Bff of 14 years, member of Congregation who also stirs up anointing in me volunteered to temporarily cover me in prayer before the prophecy is spoken forth until YAH sends a holy spiritual male prayer covering.

A man who stands by my side must walk in integrity, holiness, righteousness, must be trustworthy, honest, believes the New Blood Covenant and wants to bring souls to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH all over the world. He is only taking this place temporarily until YAH raises up someone else. As it use to be ezra caleb who came on march 7 2016, but at this time is no more that Holy anointed prayer covering.

The new man will be a Hebrew translator and will be a man from Judah but it doesn't mean he has to live in Israel. Whoever is listening to this and knows someone who fits these qualities send them this video and ask him to pray if he is the one YAH is calling out.

***Prophecy 150 excerpt***

"I speak only to the bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH now, you are the toughest of the soldiers. What you think you could not survive, you survived. And those of you who will be the guest at the marriage supper of the lamb, you will find out, what you think you will never survive, you will survive and you will grow tough. And you will realize, that the spiritual weapons that I have given you are more powerful than any carnal weapon that you could ever hold. And I have more miracles than you can ever possibly even think of, in ways that I will show you how to escape when the time comes. This is what I have to say.

I know Elisheva you grieve. You cannot believe this war against the one, the man that I called Ezra. Erez Yotam, I called you Ezra because you were YAHS helper, one time you were. When will you be again? When you truly, truly come back to ME with a pure heart through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and you will not be ashamed to say it over the social media platform of a video, and yes, every way you can shout it. You will let Israel and you will let the world know the horrors you have lived through. What you have seen, how you were deceived to even think that you were in HEAVEN. Even think, and allow yourself to be compared to MY only Begotten SON YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

Enough of that. You will admit that you were wrong. You will admit that a demon caused you to think these thoughts. You will know you are nothing more than dust in MY eyes and if I wanted to, I would have blown you away over a year ago. You would not have lived past 2018, but I saved you. For I have a plan for you. And the plans I have for you and Elisheva are for good and not for evil. To prove that I can restore even that which you think is destroyed forever."


"You must repent for ever thanking a demon goddess or allowing yourself to read the doctrines of devils including the kabbalah! I’M not naming all the books you have read. And you handed them out like candy and tried to defile others to get them to read the devils doctrines! These are just some of the things you must ask forgiveness for. The list is long and you will cry, but those who truly love ME will forgive you. They will know if it was not for MY mercy they could have fell for the same mind control traps of satan [that] come through the airwaves, come through the smartphones, come through the satellites, come through the tv airwaves.

Those who are truly MINE, they are protected. They are hidden, not only under Ephesians 6 Armor, but under I YAHUVEH’S invisible cloak of protection and the dome, which is the LIVING ROCK is over all of their homes. Those who strive to obey YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH prove how much they love ME ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH IMMAYAH, this is what I have to say.

For you who are the obedient ones, who tremble in fear at even the thought of disobeying ME, and when you do, you quickly say “YAHUSHUA please tell ABBA YAHUVEH I am sorry. Please wash me clean with YOUR Blood, wash away this sin quickly.” I have nothing but blessings in store for you, this year of 2020. But woe be unto those who are full of arrogance and pride. You must quickly shut that door. You must walk in integrity. You must admit when you are wrong! Enough of this. Even those who say they are mine walk in arrogance and pride. It’s not about who you are, it is about who your CREATORS are and what WE have put inside of you."

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Full song "Don't Muzzle MY Prophets" as heard in outro:

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