Kettlebell Snow Total Body Workout

3 years ago

Kettlebell Snow Total Body Workout in the Safety Zone
Kettlebell the handheld tool you can get a crazy workout anywhere any time. You can get in shape in five to fifteen minutes three to four days a week. To obtain results, you can break up a fifteen-minute workout into segments that works into your schedule. When I was healing from a seat belt injury, I was amazed how I got in the best shape of my life by using this principle getting stronger & rebuilt torn muscles from the injury. Doing a kettlebell workout in the snow gives you functional movement pattern training needed to stay safe during wintery days. Want to ski down a snowy hill with the wind blowing through your hair & skis attached to your feet, pack a lunch & take your cross-county skis into the back country or go for a walk or hike. You choose what motivates you to keep moving. The kettlebell swing metabolically demands recruitment of large muscle areas & reinforces key athletic movements: hip flexion & extension besides working the posterior chain.
Sample Workout:
10 kettlebell two handed swings & 10 kettlebell swing hand to hand transfers
5 Each side of your body:
One Arm Swing, Cleans, High-Pulls, Snatch, Single Arm Squat
Give it a try & leave me a comment of how it works for you!
Master Coach, Kettlebell Lady of Iron Leanne

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