How to Prove a Mail-In Ballot is Genuine, 3423

4 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Recently, I’ve been participating in strategy meetings with a group of like-minded Americans who fear for the fate of our Republic.
To my shock and horror, these fine folks believe that the “Pence Card” isn’t going to work, or isn’t being implemented. I hope they are wrong, but I 100% agree that every successful operation needs an abundance of contingency plans.
So, I’ve agreed to push on this one - the folded ballot scan!
Everyone agrees that If Congress is to save the day on Jan. 6th, they need to know that the public is behind them when they throw out certain electors for representing elections that were not conducted in accordance with their own state laws.
Such an act against a single state is nearly unprecedented in American history, but in three or more states in a single election – totally without precedent.
There is big money and bigger powers behind this attempt to bulldoze over the finish line a person who is clearly the most intellectually inadequate candidate in the history of this mighty nation.
It is quite likely that every Congressperson on the floor of the Joint Session of Congress come 13:00 hours on Wed., Jan. 6th has either been offered something, or threatened to have something taken away, to encourage them to vote in accord with the wishes of the coupsters.
The need for a stirring of patriotic fervor has never been greater in a Joint Session of the United States Congress.
The only way that our side can offer encouragement to our representatives is for us to get behind one simple method to scientifically prove that the electors in some – if not all – of the 6 or 7 battleground states are supporting an election that has suffered from massive irregularities due to just the mail-in ballot portion of their state’s vote alone.
Our thanks to Kevin Freeman of the Economic War Room for allowing us to put up this stunning interview with technology inventor Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, who reveals that the secret to determining the legitimacy of any mail-in ballot is whether or not it has been folded.
[insert to: “.. of other rollers.” ]
Jovan’s point here is that the purpose of the rollers is to make the piece mail as flat as possible so the additional trips through the rollers increases the pressure on the fold, making it more and more pronounced with every pass through the rollers.
[insert from: “Now, when you think about the fold…” to “… something else…”]
That something else is these folds tend to cause microscopic breaks in not only the paper, itself, but in the ink sitting on top of the paper. These breaks can be distinguished easily by high-tech, high-speed scanners.
[insert from: “So technically when….” To: end]
Now, I’ve been asked to get this video to weeknight news lineup at Fox and NewsMax. I know Tucker’s producer, but don’t know any of the others.
Please, please, if you have contact with producers or someone who does have that sort of contact, get this video to them and then have them contact Pulitizer for an interview at his Twitter account:
We have to get Pulitzer on these news shows this week. I can’t stress that enough.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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