Men Can Menstruate? (#Science)

3 years ago

Dennis Prager’s FIRESIDE CHAT ( discusses the reality of nature (or Nature’s God) on a video series he does. (I say “nature” because whether you believe in a theistic Creator or that millions of years of evolutionary forces and chance has honed the species to survive by being “male and female” by reproduction… then both are objective looks at reality and the Left is #antiscience.) I include – for context – a portion of Steven Crowder’s dealing with the topic Prager mentions in passing (the fuller video of my excerpt can be found here:

Dennis wrote an article on the issue as well, it can be found here: “The Left-Right Divide Is About Reality Itself,” a must read in my opinion (

FAITHWIRE ( and LIFESITE NEWS ( have some decent articles up as well. But this should be a good video to show just how nutty the Left really is… and it is to compliments another audio I am working on.
For more clear thinking like this from Dennis Prager... I invite you to visit: ~ see also:

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