TPC #11: Ken Mason (Bob Lazar's Friend; Rocket Scientist)

4 years ago

TPC #11 was with a gentleman by the name of Ken Mason. Ken worked under rocket legend Bob Truax for 35 years and was good friends with him up until his passing.

Bob Truax worked with Evel Knievel; designed the Sea Dragon; began the push for Navy submarines to carry missiles; worked with Robert Goddard during World War Two; and during Operation Paperclip was one of the interrogators of none other than Wernher von Braun, head rocket scientist for Adolf Hitler and the head of the Apollo Program under president John F. Kennedy.

But enough about Bob; Ken is awesome. He helped design and run tests for prototypes of the Sea Dragon; his rocket design was used by Tom Mueller of SpaceX (founding employee; contributor to Raptor rocket engines and Merlin rocket engines).

Oh, and he used to shoot off rockets with his pal, Bob Lazar.

We did our best to stick to rocketry and propulsion systems on this episode, but occasionally dipped our toes into the waters of conspiracy, UFOs, the Elite, the existence of God, and extra terrestrial life. We both agreed to reign it in and do an episode solely about fringe theory and science.

Ken's passion for rocketry is contagious, and the man dishes out some delicious life advice and wisdom at the end of the podcast. We plan on doing multiple future episodes.

Above all else, Mr. Mason is a gentleman, and I'm happy to call him my new friend.

Buckle up and try to enjoy it half as much as I did!

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