Harmony Trib to Elton

3 years ago

Hey All !

Here's one of my favorites when I was a kid. While most listen to Yellow Brick Road, I was on the flip side diggin this track over and over....
The Amazing... Elton John "Harmony"

Explain to the kids what that crazy spinny machine is at the beginning..

Michael Jewell joined me in my studio helpin' out with the vocals this time..and all the wonderful string parts.
Don't worry he was tested :)

Frank Scavo Pick bass just like the record.. great call..

Mike Sorrentino always perfect So great!

Check out all the other Vids if you missed it.

This has been a real kik to do.
A few more on the work bench.
I almost can't keep up..with live shows pending not sure how much more I can do...been great meeting you guys and all who participated..

May we all find Peace and Harmony as we move ahead...

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