President Trump proved that he's hot on the trail in exposing the Deep State!

4 years ago

During President Donald Trump's speech last night, he made the case for why he's continuing to fight the Rigged Election of 2020. Any sane person watching that speech will understand that there is no question that there's plenty of evidence of voter fraud. Unfortunately, many will not hear his speech because the Mainstream Media is hiding it from the public and refuse to report on it.

We cannot concede or wave the white flag. We must continue to press on, exposing the Deep State and Voter Fraud repeatedly. President Trump understands that this is a coup going on right now, an infiltration attempting to overthrow our government. We have evidence of votes being changed in the middle of the night, vulnerabilities in the voting machines, rules being changed and broken regarding the voting systems in place, as well as video footage of voter fraud occurring. All that's needed now is simply the smoking gun exposing who, exactly, pulled the trigger on this widespread voter fraud operation.

Do not lose heart. Our GOP leadership is failing us in their refusal to make this rigged election their #1 priority. However, we cannot lose hope. We must continue fighting and holding our elected officials feet to the fire. If they aren't willing to take a stand to protect our nation from this coup, then we shouldn't be willing to keep them in office. It's that simple.

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