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Tweet Series Day 6 (Sept 22, 2020)

4 years ago

Hello Everybody, this is Bret “Hitman” #Hart. He is one of the greats in #SportsEntertainment. He is a proud Canadian and from a very amazing wrestling family. Sometime I wish that his moniker was not true of people in our country. He had many battles with #HulkHogan another one of the greats and a true Real American. One of his best matches was at #WrestleManiaVI when he lost to my favorite wrestler, the #UltimateWarrior. Then the company was in great hands when #StoneCold was the champ. Beating #ShawnMichaels was the beginning of a great Era. #BrockLesnar is a beast and did the unthinkable. He ended the undefeated streak of the Legend, the #Undertaker. They were put on the map by #VinceMcMahon who cultivated one of the great American companies, the #WWE. He is not perfect but he has engineered some great stories of the years, and he is a proud Patriot.

P. Hello Everybody, this doesn’t count. Here are some great quotes from wrestling past: #JaketheSnakeRoberts—“This isn’t the beginning, this isn’t the end, This isn’t the beginning of the end, Yet the End of the Beginning.” #RowdyRoddyPiper—“Just when you think you have all the answers, I change the questions.” Bobby ‘the Brain’ Hennan—“Humanoids.” #BigBossMan—“You will be serving Hard Time.” #StoneColdSteveAustin—“What!” Bret “the Hitman” Hart—“I’m the Best there is, the Best there was, and the Best there ever will be.” #RicFlair—“Wooooooo.” Ric Flair & Mr. Perfect—“Oh, it’s hard to be Humble, when you’re Perfect in Every Way.” ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage—”Oh Yeah.” Million Dollar Man—Evil Laugh. Andre the Giant—He speaks with his actions, not his words. And let’s not forget, “Do you Smell What the Rock…is Cooking” “It Doesn’t Matter What your Name Is” “You Sick Freeeak” (never getting my vote). However, my favorite is #MickFoley—Insert Cheap Pop Here. Also, #VinceMcMahon—“I Got Grapefruits” and “You’re Fired!” His son’s dance is awesome too. Plus, his daughter and son in law Kick Ass! To all the great wrestlers over the years and their great quotes, I Salute You! Even the #IronSheik, #SHUTUPJABRONI

Note: Play “The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar: WrestleMania 30- The End of the Streak”

https://youtu.be/TK_7GUKY3ic; #ShockedUndertakerGuy