Incarnation & The Holy Family: Cui bono? VI

3 years ago

- The obedience of Christ, the care of His Mother from the Cross to St. John, all stand as the proper path of a family striving for holiness.
- Baptism of the Lord shows humility and obedience to the proper jurisdiction of the Church. It is not ‘Me & Jesus’ but communal. J+B rightly objected but acquiesced to the Word. Jesus obeyed the proper role as Son and gave us a clear example to follow. However, He did not mince His words of judgement of evil shepherds and a corrupted Temple structure. He reoriented His followers away from a failed religious system to that rooted in His Very Self.

Baptism submission to grace by God lead to inherent perfection of human person. Blessed Mother by her obedience merits for economy of salvation. Holiness does not have an endpoint. Can become holier. Mary grew in her own holiness during her life. She amplified all that He gave her. Jesus grew in age, grace & wisdom. Obedience to Father modeled.

IX Bsp Athanasius Schneider observations of living the Faith under edict Athanasius observations of living the Faith under edict…. At times the people went ten or more years without a priest (pg 9) under grueling work conditions, yet the families practiced and transmitted the Faith to the next generation.
- Stations of the Cross at Lent
- Rosary pg 5
- Baptisms by laity pg 11
- Heart of his parents was the Eucharist a deep love & veneration pg 13
Natural means receive the Sacrament, but He is not bound by the Sacraments. Our Lord not outdone in generosity. Pious spiritual communion is efficacious.

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