No I'm Not Okay, Are You Okay?

3 years ago

I have had several “friends” make comments to me over the past few months about how involved I’ve been getting in Politics.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I have spent the better part of my time over the last 4 years writing content for coaching programs for personal development, recovery advocacy, wellness and neurolinguistics.
I have made a name for myself posting a lot of positive content on facebook and Instagram.
So when people see me getting involved in politics and the “negativity” a few have had some concerns as to why… and if I’m “ok”
First let me say thank you for your concern…genuinely.
Secondly, Actually, no I’m NOT OK!
I am not OK with what’s happening in our country
I am not OK with standing idly by while a certain group rips our country apart
I am not OK with having my head in the sand anymore.
I am not OK with the corrupt DC Swamp running our country
I am not OK with the leftist media and their mob lying to the American people
I am not OK with radical leftitsts burning our cities down
I am not OK with thugs physically attacking people because of who they vote for
I am not OK with corrupt government leadership trying to infringe on our constitutional rights
I am not OK with about 100 other things happening right now in the country…
SO again…..NO I AM NOT OKAY, but thank you for your concern.
And I am not Ok with people who are Okay with all this madness.
So I ask you…. ARE YOU OKAY?

I have stood up and fought for people my who life. Typically small groups of people from recovering alcoholics and addicts, to men struggling with midlife, people struggling with depression, mental disorders and so on.
The only thing that has changed about me is that I am now not only standing up for specific groups of people. I am standing up and fighting for all American Patriots!
I am standing up for those who are trying to be silenced.
I am standing up for those who are being shamed and attacked simply for loving our country.
I am standing up against Bigtech trying to silence me and every other person who doesn’t align with their agenda
I am standing up for you whether you believe it or not……

So I ask you….. ARE YOU OKAY?
Are you okay with being complicit in our country turning to socialism and communism?
Are you okay with leaving this country that way for your children or future generations?

If you’re not, that’s OKAY and you can do something about it.
You can stand up and fight with me and thousands of other Patriots who are now a part of the Official Patriot Party movement.
We will only make change in this country with numbers.
We can only control what the officials who work for us do if we are willing to hold their feet to the fire.
It’s up to us to do that. They work for us. If we don’t manage them who will?
We can only have the great nation that was created by our founding fathers if we are willing to fight for it.

And for those who say it’s not your fight?
If it’s not my fight and your fight, then who’s fight is it?
This is a country built on “We The People”
Are you not one of “The People” of this great nation?
Do you not want better?
Again, I ask you… if it’s not my fight and it’s not your fight…then who exactly is going to fight for what’s right and protect our great nation and her people?

So if you are willing to fight for it. Join us online, sign up to be a member at
Everyone is welcome. You can pay membership dues or not, you are still a member if you declare yourself a member.

Join us online. Better yet, Join us in DC to take back our country on January 6th.
Show up and fight for our rights
Show up and fight for our freedom
Show up and fight for our jobs
Show up and fight for Law & Order
Show up and fight for election integrity
Show up and demand that they FULLY re open our country
Show up and fight for our great President who has fought against non stop attacks 24 hours a day 7 days a week for us. A President who is signing up for another 4 years of non stop attacks so that he can fight for us.
Show up and fight for your own sake.
Online or in person, for God’s sake I ask that you get your head out of the sand and show up for yourself and your family if nothing else.

Pat King
Official Patriot Party Inc

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