Gospel of Love Video Series (10) - Early Christianity taught reincarnation

3 years ago

In our discussion on reincarnation we have to consider the teachings of Origen. Origen (A.D. c.185-254) was a Greek theologian described by Saint Gregory of Nyssa as “the prince of Christian learning in the third century.” So much of what is known as the literature of the Christian church today is founded upon the teachings of Origen. This early Christian church influenced by Origen taught reincarnation for hundreds of years. In his book ‘First Principles’ Origin wrote:
“By some inclination towards evil certain souls lose their ways and come into bodies first of men. Then through their association with the irrational passions after the allotted span of human life they are changed into beasts from which they sink to the level of plants. From this condition they rise again to the same stages.”

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