Americans Say! Ian Trottier | Trump's Trying To Uncover The Corruption | Washington DC | 2020-12-12

3 years ago


hi i'm IAN TROTTIER, you can find information on me at
i do weekly talk show and i'm an author of a book coming out next month
florida came from miami okay and i split my time between miami and montana
and i can tell you that majority of the people in miami are very upset
with the statues being taken down
they're very upset with the attempted rewrite of history
regardless of the history regardless of how you stand
it is a piece of history and needs to be preserved
and that is happening right now in miami
where caravans of trump supporters 90 miles long
of people cubans venezuelans they come from communist countries
they see this communist takeover they're standing up
they're voting for trump
this is an election hoax
okay there's no doubt about it the election is a fraud
donald trump has support from coast to coast
and no other president has seen that kind of support
and the numbers on joe biden are a complete lie
there's no way he got 80 million votes there's absolutely no way
this is a rigged election the computer software is rigged
i think donald trump is the best president since andrew jackson
and this is why i'm saying that because the federal reserve was established in 1913
under woodrow wilson the federal reserve is full of international bankers
that do not have the best interests of the american people
the american government has been hijacked for over a hundred years
this is nothing new this is why people left the english kingdom to establish this country
because of the roman political roots that control these countries
this is why the united states was established
andrew jackson tried to take the big banks on
he ran on the re-election platform to crush the bank the federal reserve is an
illegal banking organization per article 1 section 8 of the u.s constitution
donald trump outside of jfk and abraham lincoln who
abraham lincoln got his head blown off just a few blocks from here
because he took on the banks too
donald trump has been the best president
trying to uncover this corruption in the government
since in my opinion andrew jackson
look i listened to donald trump in 2015 before he was officially a candidate for presidency
at dorel i listened to him speak and he said he would be running as an independent
meaning both the democrats and the republicans in this country are corrupt
they're part of the garbage banking machine
that is controlling both sides of the spectrum
it's called a hegelian dialectic and you can look at a stanford hoover
fellow anthony sutton to learn more about that
how the banking industry controls both sides of a conflict
and regardless of who wins the bankers win
that's what it's all about
they don't care about the constitution
okay and so donald trump ran as an independent
and that's why i began supporting donald trump
because i saw him running as an independent i voted for ross perot
in the 90s because i saw him as a business thinker
that didn't give didn't give a hoot about either one of the political parties
you want to talk about anti-trust you want to talk about monopolies
that's exactly what the democrats and the republicans both have
on the political system is a monopoly
and that is un-american and that is unconstitutional
that's how i feel about donald trump and they've been attacking him since day one
they've been attacking donald trump since the very first day
even as he declared his candidacy
and when he became a republican when he became
when he ran on the republican platform
i thought to myself what deal did he make with the republican party that made him
because i heard of my very own ears i heard him say i'm running as an independent
so why is it that he started running as a with the rnc
why there's something going on there but we the people must stand up
and we must destroy the system and it starts with the corruption in the federal reserve
that is not american and it's unconstitutional

March for Trump | Million MAGA March | Washington DC | 2020-12-12

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