The Blue Whale, the largest living animal!wow , Nature

3 years ago

The blue whale

The blue whale is one of the largest known animals living on the planet, it is one of the marine mammals and its scientific name (Balaenoptera musculus), and weighs between -150 tons to 170 tons, it may reach eighty-nine feet.

Blue whale`s tongue weighs 2.7 tons. When the mouth is open it can accommodate up to 90 tons of water and food, but it can not swallow anything larger than the size of the beach ball despite its big mouth.

It does not have teeth, but it has several plates on either side of the roof of its upper jaw, called Balinese, which number is four hundred, it is characterized by fine hairs at the end.

The color of its skin is blue dotted with dots lighter than the color of the original skin and has a very weak sense of smell and sense of sight.

It swims very fast and has a very strong voice, and it is characterized by its calm and peaceful, and modesty.

It does not attack any creature unless it harms him.

It breathes oxygen, so it rises to the surface of the water a lot to fill its lungs with an appropriate amount of air, and to get rid of the rotten air from the openings of its nose.

The female is larger than the male, its pregnancy lasts between 10 months and 12 months and it breastfeeds her baby a full year.

Its heart weight is 600 kg or 1,300 pounds. The length of its thoracic aortic diameter is 23 cm.

The blue whale weighs 2700 kg at birth and drinks about 400 liters of milk daily in the first seven months of its life, it also increases 90 kg every 24 hours.

It has a brain weight of 6.92 kg.

It lives for about 30 years and may reach 80 years.

It feeds on small crustaceans known as epoxies.

Blue whale breeds

Brevikoda whale: lives in the waters of the Indian Ocean, on the south side of the Pacific Ocean, Also known as the dwarf blue whale.

Intermedia whale: lives in the water of the Antarctic Ocean.

Mesquils whale: lives on the northern side of the Atlantic Ocean, and the northern side of the Pacific Ocean.

Indica whale: Lives in the water of the Indian Ocean.

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