A Coronavirus Vaccine is Almost Among Us (and other news items)

3 years ago

Clinton and Nathan discuss some items in the news related to bioethics. Topics for discussion:

-Pfizer has announced a coronavirus vaccine which is 90% effective. Pro-life people are concerned about the use of aborted fetal cells.

-Poland is a generally pro-life country but recently outlawed abortions for fetal disability, which pro-choice advocates are not happy about.

-The election is still up in the air but Joe Biden has announced bringing in Ezekiel Emanuel to his coronavirus task force, an ethicist who believes life over 75 is not worth living.

-UC Berkeley disavows its eugenic research.

Links for further reading:

New Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine Not Created With Fetal Cells From Babies Killed in Abortions by Wesley J. Smith, LifeNews

An Ethics Assessment of COVID-19 Vaccine Programs by James L. Sherley, M.D., Ph. D. and David Prentice, Ph.D.:

Update: COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates and Abortion-Derived Cell Lines by David Prentice, Charlotte Lozier Institute

RNA Vaccines: A Novel Technology to prevent and treat disease by Alexis Hubaud, Harvard

A doctor and medical ethicist argues life after 75 is not worth living by Stephen S. Hall, MIT Technology Review

Polish High Court Outlaws Abortion for Fetal Disability by Wesley J. Smith, National Review

UC Berkeley is disavowing its eugenic research fund after bioethicist and other faculty call it out by Teresa Watanabe, LA Times


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