The Rise and Fall of r/The_Donald | How Social Media Censorship Sways Elections

3 years ago
78 is, perhaps, the most politically censored mainstream social media website in the world. While advertising itself as a platform for discussion of anything, a quick look at their administrator and moderator behavior shows this is anything but the case. r/The_Donald, the largest Reddit forum (or subreddit) dedicated to supporters of Donald Trump, was censored in many different ways leading in to both the 2018 and 2020 elections. By June 2020, the subreddit was outright banned. This video provides a full forensic analysis of how Reddit censored the forum (as well as many others that were similar to it politically).

With the 2020 election concluded, it's an excellent time to analyze the type of censorship that hindered President Trump and his supporters for the past several years. This is the Rise and Fall of r/the_Donald. Some naïve people, even some who support Trump, are unaware of or deny that big tech bias and censorship is a problem. This video makes it perfectly clear that tech censorship is real, pervasive, based on double standards, and sways elections. If people want a fair political landscape in the future, tech companies must have their unchecked power to censor limited via legislation or the judiciary. Alt tech websites are also a good alternative, though they shouldn't be seen as the total solution in and of themselves.

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