Conduit 2 - LC vs. BPB Clan Match # 2 - Serenity

4 years ago

This was the second clan match between Lost Cause [LC] and Bi Polar Bears [BPB] in their set of five matches of 3 on 3 with a hardcore rule set (no lock-on, no radar). I used my SCAR loadout here.

This match was played on July 6, 2012. The players were as follows:

Lost Cause:
[LC]Jaye (Jaye - Clan Leader)
[LC]Dash (Chesluk)
[LC]Mike (Me)

Bi Polar Bears
:[BPB]:Khmer (KhmerGirl - Clan Leader)
[BPB]Czer (Czer)
[BPB]Char (Chariloe)

Even though this was a clan match, it felt more like a bunch of friends just getting together and shooting each other for fun. You know, good wholesome stuff. If you want more information on Conduit 2 clans, check out the GameFaqs board:

Also, check out the Conduit Combat League website:

Thanks to everyone who played.

Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the Wii's component cables. I'm using the nunchuck and Motion Plus.

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