Tanzania Surviving with NO Lock-down Explains President Magufuli

3 years ago

Why Tanzania Can’t Lock-down Explains President Magufuli.

Tanzanian President John Ponbe Magufuli says if he does any form of lock-down, neighboring states will suffer most.

“Tanzania, like Sweden has refused to lock-down or implement social-distancing measures”

He said many countries rely on the Dar-es-salaam Port such as Zambia, Burundi, DRC, Rwanda, Uganda and Malawi.

“How will they access fuel in this difficult time?”

“How will their ambulances operate and move the sick?”

Magufuli has also refused to implement social-distancing measures against Churches and Mosques saying people should be allowed to meet and pray and has allowed such gatherings.

“We must continue gathering to help praying for the nation”. he said at yet another church gathering.

He has also said key sectors such as agriculture should not be affected or closed and their workers should be allowed to work.

“Farmers must continue growing

Can you imagine what would happen if I told all of you to stay home?” “Production would come to a stand still while we still need more food.”

He encouraged church members to continue PRAYING for the country.

Sweden and Tanzania have refused to implement hard social-distancing measures or lock-down.

It began with Elizabeth Ane. President John Pombe Magufuli explained that he had suspected that the number of Covid-19 cases in Tanzania was being artificially inflated. At his direction, test swabs were applied to non-human samples, including goats, sheep, pawpaw fruit, quails and oil. The swabs were tubed and assigned human pseudonyms, including Elizabeth Ane. They were sent, thus disguised, to the national laboratory to be tested for Covid-19.

In a live television broadcast, Magufuli announced the results: Covid-19 false positives. This, he alleged, revealed a picture of foreign conspiracy and domestic collusion: “Some workers may have been put on the payroll of imperialists.”

In a manner reminiscent of president Donald Trump, he insinuated that the World Health Organization, at least by omission, was responsible. He announced purportedly good news too; Madagascar had discovered a herbal medicine for Covid-19. In an apparent celebration of the national airline, a plane was dispatched to collect doses.

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