Question 2 -- The Money Situation December 19, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

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Question 2 -- The Money Situation December 19, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

People are constantly contacting me asking what to do with their money and/or investments. The first thing to understand about money is that unless it is rendered in a form that has actual market value in and of itself, for example, as gold and silver coins -- it doesn't actually exist. It's just a representation of money known as a commercial script.
The second thing you need to know about money is that it is a commodity just like rice and soybeans.
It is a commodity that is supposed to be produced by sober and responsible fiduciary deputies acting for the Public Good, and when it is properly produced and the amount of it is regulated, it functions like manure on a corn crop.
If, however, the power to literally "make money" is abused, one of two things invariably happens: too much money is produced, resulting in inflation, or, too little money is produced, resulting in deflation.
The original purpose of the Federal Reserve was to remove the responsibility of controlling money production from our remaining Federal Subcontractors, who inherited the job from our lawful Fiduciary Deputies following the Civil War. They had proven to be derelict and it was felt that placing this function in the hands of professionals would benefit all concerned.
Best made plans of mice and men....
The Federal Reserve was then corrupted, too.
It seems that the corrosive power of money knows no bounds, and the power to gin up money out of thin air--- the commodity production end of it --- is even more corrosive.
One of the safeguards put in place was that the Federal Reserve could not mess with our actual money, the American Silver Dollar.
They could only issue military script based on assets belonging to the British Territorial United States and to members of the military and their dependents, whose assets were entered into trust and managed during their tours of duty.
FDR bulked this asset base up by illegally confiscating 6,000 tons of privately held American gold under color of law and armed force.
The Federal Reserve issued "Silver Certificates" from 1913 to 1971, and then everything flipped over to the Petrodollar and oil became the commodity basis for international trade purposes.

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