Pentagon: Pauses transition, Perfect time for a vacation?; Hackers target sensitive US dept

3 years ago

Today we will talk about why the Pentagon suddenly paused transition meetings with the “president-elect” team. Acting Defense Department Secretary Chris Miller stated the reason behind this is for Christmas vacation. We will also discuss how hackers are targeting sensitive US departments.

On Dec. 16, a petition appeared on the White House petition site, it stated, "ask President Trump to order martial law to save our country.” It points out that the United States is "heading toward a lawless socialist state" and that "we the people do not want to live in a country without security, freedom and free speech.

As reported by media on Dec. 17, Tuberville believed the Senate should support a challenge to the Electoral College vote. He revealed the possibility of a challenge in a joint session of Congress, like Rep. Mo Brooks (R-CA).

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