Cat Sleeping Rest Pet

3 years ago

The number of hours of sleep of cats Cats need a period ranging between 13-16 hours of sleep per day, and the number may vary and change according to the place in which the cats live, namely: domestic cats that sleep often because of boredom, because they are not exposed to much of the open air outside and their need for rest and sleep decreases. And, on the contrary, street cats who spend a lot of effort in searching for different food sources to secure food, thus consuming a lot of energy, and this is why sleep needs a lot to charge energy during sleep, yet street cats are less sleepy than house cats because of the large activity of the first, and the lack of activity The second. [1] The reasons why cats sleep a lot. Energy conservation Cats are considered predators that live physiologically to hunt and hunt specifically at night times. Cats are similar in that to the lion, which follows a similar system based on sleeping during the day and hunting during the night. Cats have a wild tendency that appears when needed, such as: chasing toys at home, searching for prey outside the home, and other situations in which they expend a lot of energy and sleep helps them save energy for later use in running, jumping, Climbing, hiking and other different hunting instincts, although they are pets that live at home. [2] Age determines the sleep hours that cats need, so for large cats over seven years old, the number of hours they need is less. Compared with newborn kittens, who sleep almost all day long in the first weeks of birth until the age of the year, diseases and health conditions such as arthritis and other joint problems also increase the number of hours the cats sleep, due to impaired movement and pain, which reduces the use of drugs and nutritional supplements. By the veterinarian for the condition, it increases the movement of the cat comfortably.

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