【118】危険なのはウイルスではなく、ウイルスワクチン? - 大橋眞

3 years ago


In this uproar, the image is made that a dangerous virus is spreading throughout the city. In the media, news related to this virus is broadcast every day, and it is commonplace in the city to wear masks, avoid the Three Cs, and see vinyl partitions. But are really dangerous viruses flying around? However, no one measures how long a dangerous virus is in the living environment. No one has actually measured the virus in the droplets. Nonetheless, what many people wear masks may be a self-reliant act of protecting themselves from dangerous viruses. It has not been proven that a PCR-positive reaction is a dangerous virus. It seems that the sympathetic pressure of society due to the media coverage is creating a dangerous society.
However, the genetically modified vaccine currently under development is considered to be more dangerous than the virus itself. The genetically modified, so to speak, live virus is put directly into the muscle, and this recombinant virus is propagated in the muscle cell. Viruses for respiratory tract infections generally try to enter the cells that line the surface of the body, called epithelial cells. However, mucosal immunity usually blocks its invasion. Genetically modified vaccines break through this biological defense barrier and put the virus directly into the muscle, which will probably disrupt our immune system. Moreover, it is a genetically modified virus that does not exist in nature. There are many things you can't know until you try, such as how long it grows, how long it grows in the body, or where it moves in the body. It's a spectacular guinea pig project. The nature of a virus in nature can be predicted. If the virus has been coexisting until now, there is no need to consider it as a problem. In this way, it would be extremely dangerous to inoculate all the people with a genetically modified virus because there is a virus that may or may not have a problem.

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