【92】「過ちは繰り返しません」は、守られるのか。 - 大橋眞

4 years ago


Every year on August 6th, the topic "Don't repeat mistakes": What does the word mean? This is not limited to the atomic bomb, but if you interpret it as why such a tragedy happened, it has something to do with this uproar.
It seems that the slogan of British and American devils was repeated in the media and school education before the war. Those who opposed this were excluded as non-national by the hands of the inhabitants. In this uproar, it's a corona devil. The media reports on the horror of the corona every day, emphasizing the need to fight the virus. Is self-restraint and stay home an air raid shelter? Masks, disinfectants, etc. are essential items to fight terrifying viruses. Terms such as close contact, infection history, and spread of infection also serve to categorically inform the viewer that the virus is a terrifyingly infectious virus.
However, it has not been verified whether this virus is really scary. There is no direct evidence in the empirical data of scientific papers that the virus is particularly infectious or causes illness. From the virus count data, it is considered that this virus is a resident virus that grows very slowly. Such viruses spread over a long period of time due to their lack of transmission power, and probably had a symbiotic relationship with each other as humans evolved. Such symbiotic relationships cannot be eliminated with masks or self-restraint. Also, vaccines and drugs are meaningless. When it comes to fighting this, I don't know if it will be effective even after 1000 years. Understanding that there is no point in masking or refraining from masking for a year or two unless you are willing to continue fighting for 1000 years may lead to "do not repeat mistakes."

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